Earlier in 2015, I was selected to be part of an amazing project for adoption.com. I had so many people nominate stories about adoption on my facebook page, and I could only choose one!
After talking with my husband, I decided I wanted to share more stories than just one. I’ve now been blessed to meet a number of families now whose lives have been blessed with adoption, and I am grateful to share their stories with you.
After years of infertility, this sweet family fostered to adopt two siblings, and then was blessed with pregnancy as well!
Here are the momma’s words herself:
“We always knew that we wanted to have children. However, our plans didn’t work out like we initially imagined. So, after 6 years of infertility procedures and treatments, plus 7 rounds of artificial incemination, nothing worked. We started to think it just wasn’t in the cards for us. We decided we would try to adopt through the state. After many prayers & long classes, we finally received that phone call. In a whirlwind evening we had two beautiful, bright-eyed, and hopeful children on our door step. That night we started the hardest, yet most fulfilling journey of our lives.
“This process has been the hardest thing we have ever had to do. The process that brought us to the adoption of our children has been long and unbelievable. The waiting for finalization and closure of the adoption process was even longer. We have spent many nights awake with our children because of fear and uncertainty on both our parts. We have seen our children overcome intense struggles, struggles that are no fault of their own. The things our beautiful and innocent children had to endure are unthinkable but together we have discovered love, comfort and hope. Even though we’ve built our family in an unconventional way, we are so blessed to have them as a part of our forever family.
“We did not think we could be more blessed but we found out we were pregnant with another sweet girl that came to our family just a month before the official adoption. So 27 months after that whirlwind night, we got to have our “Gotcha” day. Our “plan” so long ago was to solely be “parents” and we are so thankful that our Heavenly Father interrupted those ordinary plans with an experience that has been overwhelmingly challenging, frustrating, and faith-testing, yet so fulfilling, joyful and full of love. If you think our hands are full, you should see our hearts!”
So grateful for these sweet bundles of energy!!