Sweet snack for working in the office… All thanks to winning a social dance competition 10 years ago. I was lucky they still took the gift certificate!!
I just might have to post pictures sometime of me from my ballroom dancing days…

Sweet tastes of jamba. Yummm!
You want to know what was really embarrassing? With my gift certificate, it came to like 73 cents. I was the only one in there, and business was going slow for them.
I look in my change purse and I see only 2 quarters and a bunch of pennies. And I just recently took out my bills for the fair with the boys.
Sheepishly I told him I’d have to get the smaller size because I didn’t think he’d want to run my card for $.73. He said it was fine, and I piled all my change into his hand. I think it came to $.61 or something. After about a minute later, 3 new customers walked in the door.
Had it not been completely empty when I arrived, he probably wouldn’t have taken pity. Or I would have gotten super flustered and felt bad for making a scene. Either way, I walked away unscathed from the whole experience, still in love with my jamba juice.
Who else loves jamba?
I’ll definitely be giving an extra tip next time I’m in…
Wow..they honored a ten year old gift certificate?! Awesome!
My little sister just got a job at our local Jamba. Yum!
Amberlina, which competition was it?:)
AMAZING, really!
I love you